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Denison Math | One Full Year Review

Mamas. We completed a curriculum. Like a whole thing cover to cover. I know. WILD. It's a rare occurrence in many a homeschooled household, but here we are. And, spoil alert : the kids have a hands down favorite subject this year, and by far it's MATH.  I can't believe it either. Usually it's just the subject we "get through" just to get it done. And the gaps, oi. We have been through so much in our homeschool journey. Over a decade of trying it all and trying to make it fun while learning so that they don't hate learning. It's one of our top homeschool goals : love to learn! Denison Math is THE best math curriculum on the market. Full stop.  Brie is in 11th grade and did Denison's Geometry program. Next year, for her senior year, she will do Denison's Algebra II Success . Everett is in 7th grade and did Pre-Algebra , next he will do Success Algebra I but we will do it for 9th grade. There are two tracks, standard and success, in Denison mat...

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