Denison Math | One Full Year Review

Mamas. We completed a curriculum. Like a whole thing cover to cover. I know. WILD. It's a rare occurrence in many a homeschooled household, but here we are. And, spoil alert : the kids have a hands down favorite subject this year, and by far it's MATH. 

I can't believe it either. Usually it's just the subject we "get through" just to get it done. And the gaps, oi. We have been through so much in our homeschool journey. Over a decade of trying it all and trying to make it fun while learning so that they don't hate learning. It's one of our top homeschool goals : love to learn!

Denison Math is THE best math curriculum on the market. Full stop. 

Brie is in 11th grade and did Denison's Geometry program. Next year, for her senior year, she will do Denison's Algebra II Success. Everett is in 7th grade and did Pre-Algebra, next he will do Success Algebra I but we will do it for 9th grade. There are two tracks, standard and success, in Denison math and their site does the best job answering any questions you have about it so please go check that out. You can also email if you read ALL of their amazing site and still have questions. 


  • Video instruction of every lesson. Incredibly helpful for the math-battle-weary parent. 
  • Solutions videos for the "homework" portion of the assignments. THIS is a huge time saver!
  • Excellent customer service
  • They can extend the time you need on the videos if you need longer than 15 months to complete it.
  • Reasonably priced, especially for quality and content
  • The teaching style makes any kid confident in math and I say that boldly. It's Mr. Denison's approach and the way he teaches that helps any kid gain strength and confidence in this subject. He's that good at what he does. 
  • The review for each chapter is well done and has video solutions. 
  • I like that he provides two end of chapter tests in case your kid needs a second chance to master the testing on that chapter's content. We only had to do this a few times the whole year but it was super helpful! If you have a state that requires testing as part of your homeschool, this is huge for feeling confident going into "testing season."
  • He gives excellent instruction for how to grade the tests, how many points to take off, etc. 
  • Everett's Pre-Algebra was on backorder, so I emailed them and they sent me the first few weeks so we could get started right away! 
  • Easy user interface of the curriculum, we had no issues navigating the site and online course material. 


  • I don't really have any. I tried to come up with one but it has been almost a year and I still can't think of one. *shrugs*
  • I guess I wish there was all of middle school and elementary math as well? That would be INCREDIBLE but I'm sure an insane amount of work and would take a very long time. 
Currently the Denison Math Course Offerings are : Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Advanced Algebra & Trigonometry [not currently released, but soon]. 

Helpful areas to check out on Denison's site : 

  • Placement Guide 
  • Courses all have curriculum sample videos. This helps additionally on the placement. I had my kids actually watch the videos and try it out to see which would work best. 
  • FAQ
  • If you still have any questions after that, email them! 

keep it simple, mamas. pax & aloha, 



  1. I hadn't heard of this curriculum until you shared about it. I'm going to keep in it mind for the future. Thank you!

  2. Thanks for sharing! We started Pre-Algebra with my 8th grade son, but we are pretty early in the course. It’s good to hear from someone who has used it for a full year.

  3. Oh my goodness I used both those levels with my boys this year too and was blown away! They both did so so well and had zero issues. It was amazing.


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